Recruitment Agency Terms

Agencies must agree to these terms in order for their candidates to be considered for employment by eCosCentric. Acceptance of these terms must be explictly acknowledged in email or via fax before provision of any CVs to eCosCentric.
- eCosCentric will pay the recruitment agency a recruitment fee of no more than 15% of the first years salary of a successfully hired candidate.
- The agency will be paid 50% of the recruitment fee at the end of the first 30 days of a candidate's employment. The final 50% shall be paid after 3 months of employment. If, for whatever reason, a candidate's employment lasts less than six months then the agency agrees to refund 50% of the total recruitment fee.
- If a candidate is suggested to eCosCentric via multiple sources - other agencies or direct, then we reserve the right to determine who we will pay the recruitment fee to. In all cases an agency fee would only be paid to the agency that was the first to suggest a given candidate, and only if there was no earlier non-agency approach.
- These terms supersede any additional terms provided by the agency.
Before sending CVs please ensure that the prospective candidate's skills, experience and salary expectations match the posted vacancies. All candidates must have the right to employment in the UK either through citizenship of an EU member state, or are in possession of a current UK work permit.